noviembre 27, 2006
Expo en continuidad...
X Bienal de Arte Sacro - Pintura 2006 se exhibe del 7 al15 de Diciembre de 2006 en el Colegio de Escribanos, delegación Morón, ubicado en San Martín 283, Partido de Morón.
noviembre 18, 2006
Extensión de la X Bienal
Debido al enorme éxito de la muestra X Bienal de Arte Sacro - Pintura 2006 los organizadores han recibido varias propuestas para trasladar la muestra a diferentes sitios de Argentina, entre ellos el Colegio de Escribanos de Morón, el Instituto de Cultura de La Plata, el Centro Cultural UCA en sus sedes de Rosario y Paraná, el Museo Provincial de la Ciudad de Salta y la Universidad Austral, en su sede de la ciudad de Pilar. Pronto habrá información sobre el destino de las muestras y las fechas en las cuales esté programadas las mismas. Las obras estarán al resguardo de los organizadores hasta mediados del año próximo.
noviembre 15, 2006
Dirty Yoga en Taipei
Mis blogs son en español, sin embargo, me resultó interesante editar este tema (my blogs are Spanish only but I read this article and considered it really interesting to be added):
The theme of the fifth Taipei Biennial opening on November 4 this year is "Dirty Yoga". The biennial attempts to use a currently popular pursuit as a symbol to explore, within the context of globalization, the conflicts that exist among different extreme values, and the various possibilities that may arise from them.
Since the 1960s, people have gradually turned from radical politics and ideology to a preoccupation with the approach to living, as manifested in the satisfaction of "desire¨ in our daily lives. Desire has replaced science and ethics as the primary social motivation for progress, while its essence and symbols undergo constant change. This highlights the increasingly important role played by consumerism and marketing mechanisms. This expression of desire is also a manifestation of energy. Increased desire leads to greater fear of loss. People today are afraid of losing their health, their beauty, their youth and their wealth. To counter their fear of facing this reality, they invent different spectacular spaces and collective activities. Gradually, these spaces and activities are replacing abstract religion and turning into a universal belief.
As these broad social changes unfold, the underlying structure of rational thought is also changing. Rational binary logic has long transcended the status of mental tool and become a modality of thought itself. Our largely dormant capacity to imagine productive thought occurring outside of binary dualisms subtly governs our way of perceiving and interacting with the outside world. With Western civilization slowly loosening its hegemonic grip on the rest of the planet, the power of the binary over our shared humanity shows corresponding signs of crumbling. Enemies and allies, good and evil, beautiful and ugly, rich and poor¡Ktoday they shift about on unstable supports, more relativized with each rhetorical effort to incorporate the outmoded codes into the new meta-language of fear and desire. In recent years, artists everywhere have begun to pay attention to and promote a ¡Third way! of understanding the world not according to the direct opposition of a conservative social establishment and an anti-establishment, but beginning with a synthesis of the many, and leading to consensus and other forms of non-oppositional resolution.
The artists invited to this Taipei Biennial will participate in different forms in a discourse of "between-ness" that produces hybrid, mutated, nomadic meanings that are always contingent, and often subject to multiple interpretations, just as the noun "between-ness¨ suggests a state of possessing two meanings and neither of those meanings at the same time. While the state of "between-ness¨, like a utopia, may never be realized, it often leads to the possibility of understanding and recognition through some kind of confrontation, like that implied by the meanings of the words "restricted¨ and "dirty" in our daily lives.
The theme of the fifth Taipei Biennial opening on November 4 this year is "Dirty Yoga". The biennial attempts to use a currently popular pursuit as a symbol to explore, within the context of globalization, the conflicts that exist among different extreme values, and the various possibilities that may arise from them.
Since the 1960s, people have gradually turned from radical politics and ideology to a preoccupation with the approach to living, as manifested in the satisfaction of "desire¨ in our daily lives. Desire has replaced science and ethics as the primary social motivation for progress, while its essence and symbols undergo constant change. This highlights the increasingly important role played by consumerism and marketing mechanisms. This expression of desire is also a manifestation of energy. Increased desire leads to greater fear of loss. People today are afraid of losing their health, their beauty, their youth and their wealth. To counter their fear of facing this reality, they invent different spectacular spaces and collective activities. Gradually, these spaces and activities are replacing abstract religion and turning into a universal belief.
As these broad social changes unfold, the underlying structure of rational thought is also changing. Rational binary logic has long transcended the status of mental tool and become a modality of thought itself. Our largely dormant capacity to imagine productive thought occurring outside of binary dualisms subtly governs our way of perceiving and interacting with the outside world. With Western civilization slowly loosening its hegemonic grip on the rest of the planet, the power of the binary over our shared humanity shows corresponding signs of crumbling. Enemies and allies, good and evil, beautiful and ugly, rich and poor¡Ktoday they shift about on unstable supports, more relativized with each rhetorical effort to incorporate the outmoded codes into the new meta-language of fear and desire. In recent years, artists everywhere have begun to pay attention to and promote a ¡Third way! of understanding the world not according to the direct opposition of a conservative social establishment and an anti-establishment, but beginning with a synthesis of the many, and leading to consensus and other forms of non-oppositional resolution.
The artists invited to this Taipei Biennial will participate in different forms in a discourse of "between-ness" that produces hybrid, mutated, nomadic meanings that are always contingent, and often subject to multiple interpretations, just as the noun "between-ness¨ suggests a state of possessing two meanings and neither of those meanings at the same time. While the state of "between-ness¨, like a utopia, may never be realized, it often leads to the possibility of understanding and recognition through some kind of confrontation, like that implied by the meanings of the words "restricted¨ and "dirty" in our daily lives.
noviembre 05, 2006
noviembre 01, 2006
Arte en movimiento...
Tuvieron que repetirlo 606 veces para que saliera perfecto. Los primeros 605 tenían que volverlo a montar todo y empezar de nuevo. Llevó tres meses, seis millones de dólares filmarlo y mucha paciencia. Es el anuncio más descargado de Internet en su historia. Todas las piezas son de dos coches Honda Accord. Los limpiaparabrisas que se ponen en marcha al contacto con el líquido son del modelo nuevo que tienen sensores automáticos para detectar agua.
Me gusta el diseño de este video... Disfrutálo.
Me gusta el diseño de este video... Disfrutálo.
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